It's been months since I decided to throw all those thoughts that had been tying me down.
Feel so relax and peaceful.
All those memories seems to have faded away somehow.
I tried recalling them but what's left is just bits and pieces.
Though it's tough, but I'm glad that I learn something out of it.
Most people who don't know me well, presume me as a bimbo, immature, small kid.
Oh well, not that I care. I don't have to show it on the face or prove it to people right?
I miss everything in past. Yet at the same time, I want it all to be erase.
I got used to hearing all those 'small world' happenings.
It doesn't excite me anymore, neither does it makes me sad.
I look forward into leading my life to the fullest.
What's the use of holding back?
Is not whether one can do it but more of whether one wants to do it.
(I'm referring to r/s, friendship, studies and whatever that had happened.)
At the end of the day,
I still love RED and eggs.
Okay that's random.